John said I should take a picture of this salad because it looked so colourful.
This is my 'low' week - when blood count drops which can cause anaemia. Feel a bit tired but that's ok when all you have to do is read books in the garden, watch Wimbledon and make salads.
Yesterday the Dean of Nottingham Cathedral came to visit. (I am Catholic albeit not a very good one). We had a nice chat and he gave me a 'Plenary Indulgence'*. Nick thought this sounded like a high-calorific pudding; something full of cream, chocolate and liqueur. So it's summer salad for main followed by a Plenary Indulgence for dessert. Anyway, it was pleasant.
Next week is my 'good' week, when blood count shoots back up and I'll feel almost normal, before going back for another dose. I know this is only the first round, and chemotherapy is cumulative, but it's been a huge relief to have had virtually no side effects. Must be all those positive energies, complementaries plus the odd indulgence.
When Colonel Sensitivity texted for a de-brief I took great pleasure in telling him how well I feel. He hasn't yet replied!
*A Plenary Indulgence is a sort of top-notch blessing. In the middle ages dodgy clerics used to sell them.
It's just desserts! Ax
ReplyDelete"Plenary Indulgence" I have been taught the meaning of that word since I was about 3 lol. Love to ask my Dad what it means because he worried he has explained it wrong and goes into a mini breakdown :-)