Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Two down

ONLY four to go... That's a third of the way through.

I can do this!

Still only a Class D hangover. No swingball this time on account of the weather but have found chocolate and Ealing comedies to be therapeutic.

Bought some new headgear on line - including this rather fetching little red cloche hat. Makes me look like a baroness from the roaring 20s - all I need now is a silver cigarette holder.

On steroids for three days. Among the listed side-effects are: excitability; delusions; euphoria; moon face; hirsutism.

Perhaps if I overdose on them the hair will grow back!


  1. Thanks for the update on treatment no 2 - been thinking of you lots, especially today, wondering how it went. Rest well, Bx p.s. that hat is fab !

  2. Yeah, the hat is dead cool.

    "excitability; delusions; euphoria; moon face; hirsutism."

    Hmmm ... I've had days like that without the benefit of steroids.

    -- Dave

  3. Hmmm . Who do we know with a cigarette holder? Borrow Michelle's and carry it with you, complete with cigarette, to your next chemo session. See what sense of humour they've really got.

  4. You need to take a look at that film 'Sunset Blvd' with Gloria Swanson - now that woman could carry off a cigarette holder.
    Really look forward to your postings, Clare, you make me laugh and you make me cry x

  5. So in half-marthon terms if you're a third of the through that's like four and a bit miles. Past the first drinks station. Well done and keep going! Lucy x

  6. Thank you, lovely people, for your encouragement. You are helping me through this xx
