Wednesday 29 September 2010


It seems as though the whole world is sneezing, sniffing, snivelling, right now; and I am neurotic to the point of paranoia about it.

I used to think: "I won't catch that' and was largely right. Now I know a single cold germ could land me in hospital.

If anyone coughs near me I feel violated. How DARE they?

Back on temperature watch after a scary 38 degree reading this morning. It's gone back down since but JP is on standby to take me to hospital if it spikes again.

Have been feeling under the weather the last couple of days. And there is lots of weather;  mostly a grey, oppressive drizzle.

Never mind, we had some glorious sunny days out on the boat last week. We even slept on it twice.


  1. I am permanent snuffly sweetie so will come and wave through the window at you! Did you get my postcard?

  2. Yes thanks for the card surfer-chick!
    Just spent most of the day at the hospital. Seems I have picked up something - they dripped anti-biotics into me to nip it in the bud then sent me home x

  3. Greetings Clare

    Am pleased to read that you are back home.

    What The Cleaner Saw.
    I wonder if your previous cleaners have blogs recording daily interactions with their various clients?

    Hi to JP and I will see you soon.

    Andrew The Bike
