Friday, 1 October 2010

Accounting for taste

Chemotherapy messes with your taste buds. In some people, they go completely, so eating becomes merely a mechanical exercise with no enjoyment involved.

In my case, sense of taste has become progressively toned down. I have a metallic, acrid tang in my mouth all the time. Eating provides some relief, but is usually a disappointment because most things don't taste as they ought to.

Favourites like bananas and chocolate taste like plastic. Some stronger flavours - ginger, pineapple and a few spices - manage to partially break through, but there is one thing which tastes EXACTLY as it should, and as it always has, and that is Marmite.

Nutritious, sharp and mouthwatering, it cuts through all that chemo crap.  Love it or hate it, thank God I love it. Marmite is masterpiece.

Guess what's on toast for breakfast!


  1. Marmite? YUK! But I s'pose anything's better than a permanent metallic/acid taste the whole time. Enjoy! Lucyx

  2. do you still put it on in dots or has the chemo changed that too?

  3. You have to dot the marmite - then it melts into the toast

  4. Clare, are you moonlighting as a copywriter? :) a very persuasive advert for Marmite.

    Speaking of advertisiing, I recommend you watch the HBO TV series, Mad Men. Brilliant stuff.

    -- Dave

  5. A heartfelt thank you from Burton-upon-Trent where the great stuff is made... x
