Monday, 18 October 2010

It's not a competition

The Post article sparked a mini-debate among readers about funding for different types of cancer. Two people expressed annoyance that breast cancer seems to get more funding - and better publicity - than other forms of cancer. A third person pointed out that this is because more individuals are affected by it and that being the case the funding is evenly proportioned.

What occurred to me on reading these comments was, it's not a case of either/or. Surely any publicity for any type of cancer is good. True, those involved in breast cancer campaigns do seem to be particularly good at it - but there is no reason why this should detract from efforts to raise the profile of other types of cancer. There is no cap on awareness.

Interesting, since I've been diagnosed I've noticed that rarely a day goes by without some form of cancer being in the news. Today's Post features two cancer fundraising events which took place yesterday, the 'pedal  it pink' event (pictured) and a walk in Wollaton Park to raise money for the Maggies centre. And pancreatic cancer got a mention on this morning's Today programme.

While I was disappointed my last chemo got delayed it's kinda nice to have a 'free' week, when I'm feeling ok. We went for a bike ride yesterday in glorious sunshine along the river and I felt refreshed and healthy afterwards. Ok it was flat, but it fuels hope that I can recover fitness quite quickly after treatment is finished. Who knows, I might even make next year's half marathon. If I do I will run it in aid of Cancer Research UK - which raises funds to help all types of cancer.


  1. "It's not a competition."

    Where have I heard that before?

    -- Dave

  2. ha ha, some people need reminding!
