Friday, 5 November 2010

California dreamin'

Shoreline Lake Mountain View
Now that November's upon us it's hibernation time. With its misty grey drizzle and dark afternoons it's bringing on a touch of winter blues. I want to curl up under a duvet with lots of good books and stay there till spring.

Some people beat the SADness by jetting off to sunnier climes. My hit counter on this blog tells me there's a regular visitor from Mountain View California. Doesn't that sound a wonderful place? Whoever you are, can I come visit?


  1. its good to hibernate and not expect too much of ourselves in winter - a natural state...just pretend to be a plant..

  2. It's not quite california but you are welcome over in Beeston anytime ! Hope the ulcer is on the mend....


  3. Got in to see a GP about ulcer and earache. Doc, who looked about 17, says no infection - keep gargling. Both on the mend now thanks x
