Monday, 8 November 2010

Why me?

I don't mean this in a self-pitying, 'woe is me', sort of way, but 
Sunny Beeston - who needs California?
everyone with cancer must ask themselves this question.  Why does someone with none of the usual risk factors (no family history, not a smoker, healthy lifestyle, healthy diet etc etc.) get it?

I got chatting to a woman at the radiotherapy clinic. We were speculating as to causes. She thought it was something to do with micorowaved meals in plastic containers. 

Toxins leaching out from plastics? Pollutants in the air? Electromagnetics from our phones and wi-fi devices? Growth hormone in dairy products? A combination of factors in our chemical world? Or maybe it's just luck.

Another woman I know was diagnosed last week. Cancer, it seems, is everywhere.

Meanwhile JP's been trying to persuade me that November is the best - not the worst - month of the year, and after the glorious weekend we've just had, I was starting to believe him, until today's relentless rain set in.  Took this pic down by the marina on Saturday.


  1. I blame Margaret Thatcher ....that usually covers all eventualities

  2. Yes I think she can be blamed for most things that have gone wrong since '79....
