Sunday, 12 December 2010

A toast to absent friends

Feeling festive after putting the tree up earlier, and looking forward to the usual round of celebrations.

But this year this is tinged with sadness because there'll be one party-goer missing and that is Jane, who is currently in the Macmillan Centre in Derby Royal.

Jane, who could always be relied upon to come out and party; who would brighten up a room just by walking in; who can liven up the dullest of proceedings.

She has fought off cancer so many times in the past and bounced back more vibrant than ever. And despite her grim prognosis now she still faces up to life with immense courage and good humour.

This year, we will have to take the party to her....

1 comment:

  1. Give Jane our best wishes.

    ~ David and Phyllis
