Friday, 31 December 2010

Out with the old

2010 - a year of leaking oil and leaking secrets, cruel cuts, and deep relief for 33 trapped miners.

A year in which an Icelandic volcano cast a three week shadow over European air travel; it snowed, and snowed again; and the students were revolting.

A year when more than 12 million people were diagnosed with cancer. 

In which two friends have died of the disease, four more were diagnosed and five received the all clear.

I'd like to raise a glass to those who've crossed my path who have done battle with the disease.  So here's to the cancer cast of 2010:  Jane I, Jane T, Sue, Margaret, Suzanne, Lisa, Maria, Hilary, Jenny, Cindy, Maureen, Maria, Beverley, Stuart, Lynette, Vicki-Jean, Michael, Joanne, Annette, Liz, and the countless others I've met whose names I never knew.

JP doesn't like New Year. He wants to drive a pin through the world to stop it spinning, or turn it round the other way. I have always believed in it. To me it spells hope and promise, because 'tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms further...And one fine morning...'

When you've had cancer, you travel hopefully...


  1. I'd like to raise a glass to one of the "cancer cast" you missed out - you.
    I'll miss reading your blog when you stop. It's been educational, inspirational and emotional and an honour to have shared in what you've been through - if only in small part.
    Wishing you and John everything you wish for yourselves

  2. Amen to all that Dee said. Check your 'hits' for Lincoln addresses as I passed this on to the team that were canvassing support during the Breast Cancer Awareness campaign in the Autumn.
