Saturday, 1 January 2011

In with the new..

What better day to wrap this blog up than New Year's Day.

Although there are still bits and bobs to do (small op to replace saline tissue expander, and a course of hormone tablets), treatment is now largely finished. I go back to the hospital mid-May for my first annual follow-up. I'm fully hoping they will tell me I'm cancer free, so let's plump for Saturday 21 May for the all clear party - pencil it into your new 2011 diaries! It can double up as a second wedding anniversary party too.

Thank you for following my progress. Your support has helped me stay connected with the world at a time when I could have felt isolated, and your comments have encouraged me greatly on this journey. Through this blog, I've been able to keep in touch with those I know, reconnect with people from the past, and reach out to some new people too.

One reader even told me she'd given extracts to her English GCSE students to study! 

The stats tell me there have been visitors from the UK, US, Hong Kong, Japan, Canada, Australia, Germany, Spain, Ireland and New Zealand - with an average of 555 page views a week.

One thing this has taught me is that I want to do more writing, so I now resolve to finish a novel (two thirds written) and actively pursue some feature and short story ideas. I may even start another blog on a different subject.

I welcome feedback from a reader's point of view. You can either comment on the blog itself or email me on

Here's to a happy and healthy 2011!



  1. Well done Clare. I will miss your blog and I doubt I will be the only one. It has been fun reading back at all the posts over the last 9 or 10 months since you started. I think it is particularly interesting (and accurate reporting) that although there have been some low points, there have been far more highs during this journey. Something you remarked upon in your very first post. And you have managed to be open and honest about your treatment in a sane and non moaning way which is extraordinary. I look forward to whatever you do next which will hopefully involve some royalties to keep me in the style to which I would like to become accustomed! JP x

  2. So this is your farewell to your blog, Clare?

    If so, I do hope you start a new blog, and if you do don't forget to archive (cache>) the contents of this blog within it.

    ~ Dave

  3. I echo that! Your blog has been v entertaining reading and given a real insight. Looking forward to the next one (and the party!) Lucyxxx

  4. The end to a great blog! It has made great reading and has made the whole cancer experience seem less scary. Happy new year to you JP and Oscar. (From Elainex)

  5. Thank you so much for this blog, I've really enjoyed it (if you see what I mean) and am so impressed with how you've dealt with the whole thing.

    Bit of news for you from my end.. new baby due on Monday - arrghh!

