There has been a change in the division of labour in this household since the operation. The fairies who used to do the washing are away on sabbatical, and the ones who do cooking, shopping and car things have taken over the laundry department. They have brought in efficiency measures - meaning fewer, larger loads, but less selection.
This has some interesting side-effects, as with this bra. When I bought it it was white, now it's a rather fetching two-tone pink effect.
Been bra shopping again today. Just can't seem to find the right thing. Anything offering sufficient support is too tight round my scar. I prefer sports bras to post-surgery ones. I'd rather be an athlete than an invalid.
haha just wait til clive sees this - bra conversations in the conservatory forcing him to watch snooker and now bra images haunting him! I think its a lovely pink and it reminds me of the 'tickled pink' campaign !
ReplyDeleteWonder why Clive has such an aversion to bras _ what have they ever done to him??
ReplyDeleteYes, how appropriate of the fairies to dye everything pink!
You're lucky you've got pink! When I was in a similar situation everything turned into a washed out monotone grey! (Elainex)