Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Vital statistics

Oncologist gave me the odds:

Chances of the cancer returning
- if I do nothing further = 60%
- with chemo = 35-40%
- with chemo and hormone treatment = 20%

Chances of the chemo causing another primary cancer = one in a thousand.

Think I'll follow doctors' orders.

Physio gave me ten out of ten for effort. Mobility now almost normal.

Since the operation I've put on half a stone and gone up a bra size.

Oscar thanks those who have enquired as to his health. He is much better today and has been out stalking pigeons.


  1. full marks c w for your physio homework and glad you got some stats. when can you start playing swingball again? x ps love to Oscar W. love from cruton

  2. erm can I just say a word on behalf of the pigeons - 'look oscar you are a nice cat and everything but please, leave us alone, we mean you no harm. thankyou'

  3. Pigeons get a bad press. You don't see so many around in the Market Square these days, do you. Maybe they've let the hawk loose again.
