Thursday, 15 April 2010

comments and other tecky stuff

Some people have said they've tried to post comments and can't. I've changed the settings so it should now be easier.

People have also said I must be insomniac as I'm posting things at all times of day and night. I'm not, but have noticed it was set to Pacific time zone so have changed it to London. 


  1. Dear Technician and solver of all teccy probs...I have tried to connect you via facebook to your god-daughter and having trouble. Please send a russion cosmonaut around for assistant as soon as convenient. thank you x

  2. Steady on, I've only just discovered the 'settings' button. Let me call technical support aka RP

  3. David here from the far East ... Let's see if I can post this time.

    By the way, why not get a Facebook account? You can use it like a blog, and it's easy to comment on.
