When Mike B went in to have his brain aneurism out they opened him up but nicked an artery and couldn't operate, so he had to go through the whole thing again. He was unlucky.
Trish said her friend woke up in the middle of hers.
John L said he'd have a general anaesthetic every six months if he could: "It's the best sleep you ever get."
I'm booked in for an uber-operation on 21 April in which they remove the breast and reconstruct it using the latissimus dorsi muscle. (Only rock-climbers need this muscle apparently so that's ok). I'm shit-scared. Never had an operation. Most people have, it seems - even the cat! The surgeon is reputedly 'an artist' and the hospital is one of the best.
So sorry to hear about the end of your potential as a rock climber...but as one door closes...x