Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Two youths at the bus stop

Youth one: "He don't do drugs, he don't drink, he don't smoke. He got cancer. He don't tell no-one. Once you've got cancer you've had it."

Youth two: "But people pull through."

Youth one: 'They pull through yeah but cancer it keeps bouncing back. Once you've got cancer you're finished man!'

I turn round to them:
"I've got cancer and I'm gonna pull through," then hail my bus.

I NEVER talk to youths at bus-stops. What's got into me?


  1. dear c.w. all you have to remember is to do the back of your gown up when you go to the bathroom, or let Jp get you a long dressing gown. and don't forget your mascara when you wake up.. love e

  2. You used to talk to youths at the bus stop all the time when we were at school! Keep it up and they'll put you away now you're an adult! all the best Maura
