Sunday, 3 October 2010

Highs and lows

The mid-point between two chemo sessions is called the nadir - which means low point. It's when blood count is most depleted and energy levels hit rock bottom. It's where I am now. Even small amounts of exertion send my pulse rate racing; getting up the hill in Woodthorpe Park is out of the question. I take comfort in the knowledge that I only have to do this one more time.

Recently when I did manage to struggle up the hill, and flopped down exhausted on the bench at the top, I noticed the man sitting next to me was equally out of breath. 

"Can't believe I used to run up this hill!" I said.

"Me too!" he answered.

Turns out he's a guitar maker who developed lung problems through breathing in wood spores. We were both on steroids so we compared notes.

Funny how through this cancer experience I've connected with more strangers than I ever did while at work, even though my job-title is communications manager!

1 comment:

  1. Hope the nadir passes quickly - keep blobbing the marmite, much love Bx
